Instant Haiku Generator
Chose words from the drop down boxes to write your instant Haiku:
A The Some This That One white blue wet fall new big long green hard soft red short tall great poor rich strong weak black hot cold dead sweet sour thin flat weak mean spring deep dark light young old dry damp sound night god bird snow child car tomb bed guide fire bud desk place death day frog cloud wind fog rain steel space man boy girl hat bag flood void wife bed dream heart deer dog cat dove shivers. whispers. explodes. wonders. wanders. is dead. goes up. goes down. denies. destroys. demeans. shimmers. is true. comes home. goes away. enters there. swims away. will turn. pleases. lightens. darkens. rises. reasons. guesses. collides. listens. is born. softens. hardens. puzzles. will fall. believes. dances. gazes. Cascading Unfolding Vibrating Flowering Devious Enveloped Unfolding Generous Beauteous Collapsing Engulfing Determined Repulsive Shadowy Green plastic Secretive Blossoming Immaculate Luminous Darkening Lightening Delicate Forbidden Corroding Summery water snowfall beauty evening goddess raindrop petal heartache friendship river mother father current nightfall husband shadow deep crag winter summer lotus starfish lover system spirit street light evil music laughter soars, lives, stares, grunts, dies, ends, chirps, sings, beats, smears, cries, rocks, pants, shakes, runs, flows, drops, eats, chokes, spreads, wounds, dives, stirs, A The This Death Laugh Shine Call Fall Hall Time Goal Scream Drink Item Leap Sea Run Dream Break into the light. farther away. nearer to me. across the wind. burning with light. under the waves. during the night. into the dawn. after sunset. in winter chill. after the storm. before twilight. as light snow falls. out of our lives. over the sky. onto the bed. through the window. after the bad. to a new life. without patience. away from us. to escape death.
A The Some This That One white blue wet fall new big long green hard soft red short tall great poor rich strong weak black hot cold dead sweet sour thin flat weak mean spring deep dark light young old dry damp sound night god bird snow child car tomb bed guide fire bud desk place death day frog cloud wind fog rain steel space man boy girl hat bag flood void wife bed dream heart deer dog cat dove shivers. whispers. explodes. wonders. wanders. is dead. goes up. goes down. denies. destroys. demeans. shimmers. is true. comes home. goes away. enters there. swims away. will turn. pleases. lightens. darkens. rises. reasons. guesses. collides. listens. is born. softens. hardens. puzzles. will fall. believes. dances. gazes.
Cascading Unfolding Vibrating Flowering Devious Enveloped Unfolding Generous Beauteous Collapsing Engulfing Determined Repulsive Shadowy Green plastic Secretive Blossoming Immaculate Luminous Darkening Lightening Delicate Forbidden Corroding Summery water snowfall beauty evening goddess raindrop petal heartache friendship river mother father current nightfall husband shadow deep crag winter summer lotus starfish lover system spirit street light evil music laughter soars, lives, stares, grunts, dies, ends, chirps, sings, beats, smears, cries, rocks, pants, shakes, runs, flows, drops, eats, chokes, spreads, wounds, dives, stirs,
A The This Death Laugh Shine Call Fall Hall Time Goal Scream Drink Item Leap Sea Run Dream Break into the light. farther away. nearer to me. across the wind. burning with light. under the waves. during the night. into the dawn. after sunset. in winter chill. after the storm. before twilight. as light snow falls. out of our lives. over the sky. onto the bed. through the window. after the bad. to a new life. without patience. away from us. to escape death.
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| Evolution 1 | Evolution 2 | Evolution 3 | Evolution 4 | Evolution 5 | Evolution 6 |
| Evolution 7| Innocence |
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